Political Coffee 5-20-2022: 1966 leftist strategy happening now, potential mail vote fraud, Lars on election, Gordon Smith/Ted Kulongoski endorse Betsy, $950 kicker coming unless Dems steal it and WA gas stations prepping for $10 gas

Is a 1966 leftist strategy guiding what’s happening in OR and America today? The misinformation from SOS Fagan and how ballots are accepted after election day even without a postmark. https://mailchi.mp/electdennis/election_integrity3_0518-18000?e=974888fb08 Lars on unexpected election result: https://oregoncatalyst.com/59846-lars-larson-election-message-expect.html Gordon Smith and Ted Kulongoski endorse Betsy for Gov: https://www.wweek.com/news/2022/05/19/former-gov-ted-kulongoski-and-former-us-sen-gordon-smith-both-endorse-betsy-johnson-for-governor/ 3B kicker refund means avg $950 … Continue reading Political Coffee 5-20-2022: 1966 leftist strategy happening now, potential mail vote fraud, Lars on election, Gordon Smith/Ted Kulongoski endorse Betsy, $950 kicker coming unless Dems steal it and WA gas stations prepping for $10 gas