Political Coffee 5-31-2022: Woke Memorial day message I missed, KSLM live Saturday broadcast from Freedom Rally, 2000 Mules documentary produces plea bargains and recalls in Yuma, more potential voter fraud that Dems passed in OR, voter fraud reversal in CA local election

My bad: I missed the woke transgender message from the ODVA director yesterday: https://www.northwestobserver.com/index.php?ArticleId=2230 KSLM broadcasting live this Saturday at Oregon Freedom Rally with 2000 Mules producer Dinesh D’Souza: https://oregonlibertyalliance.com/?sfw=pass1654003135 2000 Mules documentary leads to new recall effort against non profit director and Yuma county AZ board chairman: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/05/breaking-2000-mules-documentary-sparks-recall-yuma-county-board-chairman-nonprofit-director-tony-reyes-alleging-illegal-mules-activities/ More on potential voter … Continue reading Political Coffee 5-31-2022: Woke Memorial day message I missed, KSLM live Saturday broadcast from Freedom Rally, 2000 Mules documentary produces plea bargains and recalls in Yuma, more potential voter fraud that Dems passed in OR, voter fraud reversal in CA local election